Tuesday, July 1, 2008

If your right hand offendeth thee...

So I might not be using the scriptures properly but those are the first things I could think of after my third incident on my right hand. I got a huge blister last Monday from a hammer that I was using and that is taking awhile to heal. Then, two days after that I scrapped my finger(both of these incidents happened on the right pointer finger) on the outside from putting something on a pallett. Then tonight, one of my co-workers and I were trying to fit these massive boxes in the bayler and I was still pushing some in while he was shutting it. So I smashed my hand a little bit. It didn't hurt or anything, but I was still a girl and went off to cry alittle :). Now, my right hand has two scabs on my pointer finger and it is swollen. So, that is why I thought of the scripture"if thy right hand offend thee..."(excuse me for taking it out of context :) .


Megan Dougherty said...

Ouch! If it makes you feel better I think I broke my tail bone last night. I was swinging Kaelyn in a chair swing when it broke and we fell 3 feet onto a concrete slab. I am going to the hospital to get x-rays this afternoon. I feel your pain!

Tiare said...

Way to liken the scriptures! Thanks for the story and I hope that your hand feels better soon!

Ashley said...

oh, your poor hand, I hope it gets better soon. You have a dangerous job!

Fletch said...

Sounds like you just need to Cowgirl up...

Marianne said...

Hey Collette. Fun to read up on what's happening in your life:) I hope your hand feels better.