Lately I have not been satisfied with many movies but this is a movie I will admit to being blown away. The Kite Runner is a story of two boys of different status in Afghanistan, but who are good friends. The friendship is lopsided and proves itself so in the middle when one boy leaves his friend in harms way and then is ashamed of his cowardliness. The boys part ways, and the main character, Admir, leaves with his father to America to escape the Russians who evade Afghanistan. Then Admir and his father, Baba, live in California, a life different of Afghanistan and make a living. The story continues and Admir marries and writes a book (he aspires to be a writer). He gets a call from his father's friend in Afghanistan who gives him a chance to "redeem himself" (Admir was the cowardly one).
If I say more I would be afraid to ruin it. But honestly this movie was amazing. The story, the music, characters, etc. I definitely would watch it again; but there are some strong implications which I would caution against the weak hearted. The emotions of this movie are incredible though. I am so glad my friend Lance and I decided to watch it tonight. Watch it if you too have been unsatisfied with some of these movies that have been released lately. I can't even describe half of the reasons why to rent it on DVD. If my brothers-in-law had seen it, their blogs would give a more intriguing review.
Oh and last night I went to go see the musical The King and I at the Scera outdoor theatre and that was a nice production. I was in good company and the production just reminded me why I enjoy plays so much. I am so excited for the summer and the chances to be outdoors. My goal this summer is to do activities that I enjoy and activities that I can brag to my 4th graders in August. Any ideas for fun, cool activities?? Oh, I get my keys on Monday to my classroom :)!!!!
hey that sounds like a pretty good movie, souns like I should rent it. I hadn't heard anything about it before, and a play too? You are living the crazy life! :) Alex took me to see the play Annie for our anniversary and I was also reminded how much I love plays.
We will definitely have to rent it now. Thanks for the review!! I miss you sist-AH!
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