Well this year has been very exciting for me when it comes to having adventures. I went canyoneering in February(The same day Kaelynn was born :), sailing in May, and last Friday I went floating down the Provo River (well floating would not be the right word because we went in a two-man raft with oars and everything :). This has to be deemed the adventure of the year in the sense that it was the most dangerous. But trust me when I say that I have loved the other two adventures and want to plan on having many more :) .
Anyways, so Dallin and I went down the river once having good conversations and such. Then after deflating the raft and everything (and sticking it into the trunk) we decided to go once again. So on our way down the river we came along 3 boys on two tubes. One of the boy's tubes had popped and the two other boys were supporting him in between their tubes with a tee-shirt. But we let him jump in the raft cause the water was freezing and it is very shallow at parts of the river. So then we threw a rope to the other two boys and went along our merry way. Well, if anyone has floated down the river before u would know that there is a bridge and rough waters around it. The company that you can rent tubes from tells their renters to get out of the water and walk around the bridge and they can then get back int the water. Well, since we rented from BYU and made it through the bridge safely the first time we were going through it again. Dallin thought it would have been better if the two guys on the tubes would let go and then we could meet up with them. I didn't like that plan because we were the ones with the oars, the steering power and we would have left them to face the bridge helpless.
So as we approached the bridge we tried getting through one of the sections and we didn't make it. We flipped over and the raft got wrapped around a pole on the bridge. It was pretty scary cause I got sucked under water and couldn't get up for a couple of seconds. I had a panic attack for a second, all I could think about was getting back up. As I submerged from the surface I hurdled myself over a log and the current started taking me away from Dallin and some of the boys. I floated past a fisherman who stood there the whole time doing nothing (grr) and then floated pat one of the guys who helped me stopped floating down. Dallin and the other two boys came down to meet us after that.
On the bank of the river we assessed the damage (two flip flops((both left feet of mine and Dallin's flip flops)), a pair of sunglasses, Dallin's soccer shirt, etc. But we were all safe and that is what matters. Tyler, one of the boys, and I compared bruises. Then after discovering that another tube had popped, we fit four in our raft and traveled down the river :) . I felt like we were on a scouting trip or something :). Then as I was thinking about it, I wished we were on a girl's camp adventure cause at least we would all be singing and still having a ball ! But the reality was we agreed it was adventure but were all so cold and ready to get down to the end. But Dallin and I talked about it afterward and agreed that it was a good thing that we saw the boys and helped them out because we couldn't imagine how cold it would have been for Tyler to go a couple of miles in really cold, shallow water. But we agreed that we'd hope if not us someone else would have been helpful as well.
We truly had an adventure and I have the bruises to prove it, but it was so much fun!!! It took me awhile to document this but I knew this would be a winning story for my blog :). This is a picture of some of my many bruises on my legs. Throughout this week /i have seen them all change colors and they have been so cool!! If you really know me, you would know that i love my battle wounds :), but these are some bruises that remind me that I am glad that nothing more dangerous happened to anyone in our group. . . .